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Do you know the quality of your Data Cartridge?
eritape® gives you the answers
Trade-in your obsolete Imation scanner
Support for LTO 9, and 3592 JD.

VeriTape® identifies refurbished cartridges.
Is your "new" tape really new?
How does VeriTape do this?
[See also: When is a tape a new tape?]
Identify deteriorating cartridges before they fail
Most systems identify defective cartridges after they fail. These cartridge failures can be disruptive and expensive. But with VeriTape® you can monitor any cartridge and retire aging or damaged ones before they fail, not afterwards.
Storing mission critical data
When saving critical data to tape you must have complete confidence that your data can be recovered without problems. VeriTape® enables you to identify and eliminate any cartridge that does not meet your standards.
Analyzing cartridges and tape drives
Many problems that appear to be cartridge problems are caused by tape drives that require service. VeriTape® analyzes both the cartridges and the tape drives. Failing tape drives are automatically identified before they can contaminate or damage a large number of cartridges. No more guessing whether a problem is caused by a failing drive or by a damaged cartridge.
Action recommendation
VeriTape® gives you a recommendation for corrective action for every identified problem.
Cleaning Cartridge usage
The number of times a cleaning cartridge can be used is limited to 15 or 50, depending on the tape drive. VeriTape® tells you how often your cleaning cartridge has been used.
Independent evaluation you can trust
MPTapes, Inc. the manufacturer of VeriTape® is independent from all cartridge and drive manufacturers. We use all available data for our evaluation, even if some of the data lower the score for a particular cartridge or drive vendor.
Industry Standard in scoring data cartridges
VeriTape® is the industry standard in scoring the quality of data cartridges.
Its scoring algorithm, named VeriScore® has been adapted by a leading library company to score the quality of data cartridges in its tape libraries. more
Compatible with spreadsheets and databases
Data collected by the VeriTape® reader can be easily moved to spreadsheets and databases. If, for example, you prefer to use Microsoft Excel to view and display the data just copy the data to Excel.
Manufactured in the USA
   eriTape® is manufactured in Longmont, Colorado by MPTapes, Inc.
How do your cartridges compare?
See report of reliability of LTO cartridges. Reliability Report